Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Environment Adaptive Graphic User Interface
$RCSfile: ReadMe.doc,v $
$Revision: 2.3 $
$Date: 1994/02/17 02:44:54 $
EAGUI is Copyright © 1993, 1994 by Marcel Offermans and Frank Groen, and may
not be disassembled or reverse-engineered in any way. You may use this
software at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for any damage it
might do. You may copy the original archive, but you're not allowed to rename
it or change its contents (to avoid confusion). Also, you may not charge
anything for it, other than the costs of the media it is on.
EAGUI needs at least Release 2, because it makes use of a lot of its
features. It is Release 3 aware.
Archive Contents and Installation
The archive should contain the following files. We've carefully chosen them,
so that the archive doesn't grow needlessly big. You should be able to build
everything from these files. Reading these descriptions should be enough to
be able to install the package.
"EAGUI.library" - Should go in your LIBS: directory, or any other
directory from which it can be loaded.
"EAGUI.h" - Header file that you need to include in your sources. If you
use any other language than C, you need to rewrite this file.
"EAGUI_macros.h" - Header file containing macros, which make life
easier. These too are written for C, so if you use another language, you
might want to rewrite these too.
"EAGUI_protos.h" - Prototypes for the library functions. They're
included by "EAGUI.h", so you don't need to include this file yourself.
"EAGUI_lib.c" - Stubs for varargs function calls. You must compile these
and link them to your source. The file is tested with the SAS/C compiler, but
may need some modification with others. If you use the SAS/C compiler, you
can also make use of its `#pragma tagcall' option instead.
"EAGUI.fd" - Standard FD file, which can be used to generate pragmas for
SAS/C. Lots of other languages need such a file too.
"EAGUI.doc" - Standard autodoc file, containing all public functions in
the library. You can use this file to create an AmigaGuide version, if you
like that better.
"ReadMe.doc" - This file, containing the Copyright notice, the Archive
Contents and other information.
"Tutorial.doc" - A tutorial, which explains how to use the library in
your own applications.
"Tutorial_1.pic" - A picture of some important layout parameters of
objects, as explained in the tutorial.
"example.c" - A simple example source. This is the example that is
mentioned in the tutorial.
"example" - The executable of the example, for those of you who want to
see EAGUI in action right away. The executable takes two optional command
line parameters: a fontname (including the .font suffix) and a font y-size.
If you're an application programmer, and you want to use EAGUI, please keep
the following in mind. Depending on the type of software you write, the
conditions under which you may use EAGUI differ. Basically, if you don't make
any money out of your program, we don't expect you to pay us in any way.
If you use it in any Public Domain or FreeWare software, you may use
EAGUI for free. The only thing we want you to do, is keep us informed of the
fact that you've used EAGUI.
If you use it in any ShareWare software, you must first contact us, to
obtain some kind of licence. Usually we'll settle for a free registration, or
something like that.
If you use it in any Commercial software, you must first contact us. We
will then work out a deal.
If you're a application user, you may always use EAGUI for free. This may
sound natural, but some other programmers charge every user for using their
Support for Developers
We support everybody that uses EAGUI as well as we can. We'll be happy to
answer any questions you might have. Currently, we're considering adding some
development tools to the system, but a lot will depend on the feedback we
get. After all, if nobody uses EAGUI, there's no point in supporting it.
At the moment, we've only used EAGUI to develop applications in C, but there
is no reason why it shouldn't work with any other language. If you use it in
any other language, and you've written header files for that language, we'd
like you to send them to us, so we can distribute them to other developers.
The Future
Like most developers, we hope that these kinds of tools will some day be
integrated into the operating system. When designing EAGUI, we've tried to
anticipate what Commodore will do in future releases of the AmigaOS. As soon
as Commodore releases a similar system, we encourage you to use that instead,
and will try to make a release of EAGUI that simple interfaces to this
The Authors
We've tried to provide clear, readable documentation. Although it is not our
native language, we've chosen to write everything in english, because that
seems to be the de facto standard for most development documentation. If you
find parts of these documents difficult to understand, or if you discover any
type of mistakes, please report them to us. Also, we're always willing to
answer any questions you might have. If you've found a bug, please state as
clearly as possible how we can reproduce it, or under what circumstances the
bug surfaced, and what your system looks like (computer model, Kickstart
version, Workbench version, any programs running in the background). The more
detailed your bug report is, the better the chance we can fix it quickly.
We're also always looking for ways to enhance the system, so if you have any
suggestions, please mail them to us. Finally, if you don't like EAGUI, please
tell us what you think is wrong with it: we always listen to constructive
To contact us, write to:
Marcel Offermans
Frank Groen
We understand the following languages:
If possible, contact us through fidonet, because then you'll an answer more
Development Environment
EAGUI is developed and tested under Release 3 only, simply because we don't
have any Amiga that uses Release 2 anymore. This does not mean that you need
Release 3 however. It does mean that there just might be bugs that surface
only under Release 2.
Thanks to
Commodore-Amiga Inc. for producing this excellent mix of hard- and software
which we've learned to appreciate so much over the years.
Everybody that contributes to The Amiga Developers Domain, which is the best
BBS we know.
Guns N' Roses, Pearl Jam, Rage Against The Machine, Aerosmith, The Cult.
The following persons for bug reports, suggestions and moral support:
Paul van der Valk, Arnout Grootveld, Roy van der Woning
Releases are always made available on TADD, from where the archive can be
freq'ed. You can use the magic filename EAGUI, which will always get you the
latest release. TADD (2:281/614) can be reached at +31-15-157954 or
+31-15-144825. Releases will also appear on AmiNet sites (in the dev/gui
directory) from where they can be ftp'ed. They will also be announced on
comp.sys.amiga.announce when they appear on AmiNet.
1.0 - First release.
1.1 - Corrected a lot of small mistakes in the documentation and sources, and
added a full example source (and executable), together with an IFF picture
file, which explains the relation between object border dimensions, offsets
and sizes. Also fixed a bug in ea_LayoutObjects(): Under certain
circumstances, object sizes weren't calculated correctly, and another bug
which caused a lot of Enforcer BYTE read hits. Furthermore, the
"EAGUI_protos.h" file was added. You need it to compile.
2.0 - There were a few spelling errors in the documentation. They're
corrected now. Furthermore, the rendering method is now fully supported,
which allows you to design and use custom imagery (such as labels).
2.1 - Bugfix. The GadTools button minsize method was broken. This release
fixes that.